
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication .

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and doi.org link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Chromium nitride and carbide nanofibers: from composites to mesostructures
By Garcia-Marquez, Alfonso; Portehault, David & Giordano, Cristina
Photoelectroactivity and Raman spectroscopy of anodized titania (TiO2) photoactive water-splitting catalysts as a function of oxygen-annealing temperature
By Hardcastle, Franklin D.; Ishihara, Hidetaka; Sharma, Rajesh & Biris, Alexandru S.
Electroless synthesis of platinum and platinum-ruthenium nanotubes and their application in methanol oxidation
By Muench, Falk; Kaserer, Sebastian; Kunz, Ulrike; Svoboda, Ingrid; Brotz, J.; Lauterbach, Stefan; Kleebe, Hans-Joachim; Roth, Christina & Ensinger, Wolfgang
Dye-sensitized solar cells with TiO2 nano-particles on TiO2 nano-tube-grown Ti substrates
By Yun, Ho-Gyeong; Park, Jong Hyeok; Bae, Byeong-Soo & Kang, Man Gu
A blue to highly transmissive soluble electrochromic polymer based on poly(3,4-propylenedioxyselenophene) with a high stability and coloration efficiency
By Ozkut, Merve Icli; Atak, Samed; Onal, Ahmet M. & Cihaner, Atilla
Degenerate [2]rotaxanes with electrostatic barriers
By Li, Hao; Zhao, Yan-Li; Fahrenbach, Albert C.; Kim, Soo-Young; Paxton, Walter F. & Stoddart, J. Fraser
Exploring RAFT polymerization for the synthesis of bipolar diblock copolymers and their supramolecular self-assembly
By Williams, Paul E.; Moughton, Adam O.; Patterson, Joseph P.; Khodabakhsh, Saghar & O{' Reilly, Rachel K.
A redox-active reverse donor-acceptor bistable [2]rotaxane
By Dey, Sanjeev K.; Coskun, Ali; Fahrenbach, Albert C.; Barin, Gokhan; Basuray, Ashish N.; Trabolsi, Ali; Botros, Youssry Y. & Stoddart, J. Fraser
Determination of morphine at gold nanoparticles/Nafion[registered sign] carbon paste modified sensor electrode
By Atta, Nada F.; Galal, Ahmed & Azab, Shereen M.
High temperature mapping of surface electrolyte oxide concentration in solid oxide fuel cells with vibrational Raman spectroscopy
By Eigenbrodt, Bryan C. & Walker, Robert A.

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