
Posted by gamry on April 30, 2019

The 2019 Fourth National Conference on New Energy and Chemical New Materials and National Symposium on Energy Conversion and Storage Materials, jointly sponsored by the Chemical Industry New Materials Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dalian University of Technology, It was held in Dalian, a beautiful coastal city on April 19-21, 2019. The conference focuses on the design and synthesis, characterization and calculation of battery materials and electrochemical energy storage devices, supercapacitor electrode materials and devices, fuel cells and electrocatalysis, energy conversion and storage nanomaterial technology, new energy materials, and other fields. Academic exchanges and discussions in various aspects.

national conference

 几百名来自各高校、研究所和企业的专家、学者、专业人员参加了此次会议。美国Gamry电化学仪器公司应邀参加了本次会议,和参会人员就电池材料与电化学储能器件、电化学测试技术等方面的进行了广泛的讨论。同时展示了大电流,高性能的Reference 3000AE电化学工作站,该型号具有从 3A到 300pA的 11 个电流档位,以及高达 32 伏的槽压。 内置的频率响应分析仪使 Reference 3000 能够轻松地进行 10 μHz 至 1 MHz 的阻抗频率扫描,该仪器具有优越超前的准确性、精度及速度,极低的噪声和干扰,可准确测量1μΩ以下的超低阻抗样品,加上独特的导线设计,降低低阻抗器件的电感效应,进一步保证低阻抗测试数据的准确性。下图是模拟实际体系的实验,在交流正弦波扰动振幅为20A rms,导线长90cm,200nOhm导线短路条件下测得的阻抗精度图:

30k booster reference 3000 30k booster newReference 3000AE /Reference 3000电化学工作站

这款测试系统在Reference 3000的基础上增加了八个辅助电位测量通道,可以监测电池堆中的单个电池电压、进行半电池测试、同步阴阳极阻抗测试、以及同时监测压力、温度或pH值等。此外,Reference 3000AE结合电流放大器30k Booster后可以将电流量程进一步扩展到30A,多台联用可以满足100A以上的大电流测试需求,同时频率测量的范围还能达到300Hz,属于业内佼佼者。

同时展出的还有Interface 1010电化学工作站,这款工作站具有优异的性价比,能够独立进行几乎所有的电化学测试,交流阻抗频率测试范围达到10μHz至2MHz。仪器体积小、便携,方便放入手套箱;使用表面贴装电子元件的技术,使温度波动小、漂移小、数据准确度高;内部无导线、线束、互联等连接方式,使仪器漂移更小,稳定性更高;机箱内精心布局,选用低噪音电源,变速风扇,确保仪器更加安静、恒温、稳定。

interface1010 potentiostat

Interface 1010电化学工作站

The Interface 1010 electrochemical workstation can be freely combined into a multi-channel electrochemical workstation. Each channel of Gamry multi-channel instrument has independent power supply, circuit board, data transmission line and other hardware to avoid mutual interference to the greatest extent; multiple channels can be operated synchronously or separately; flexible design, can also be sometime at any time The channels are removed and used separately; each channel is individually floating and can be used in conjunction with grounded equipment. A set of equipment, multiple output, greatly improving the efficiency of instrument use.

interface 1010 power hub

To learn more about Gamry's electrochemical products and technologies, please visit cn.gamry.com or follow the WeChat public account "Gamry Electrochemistry".

American Gamry Electrochemistry

Gangrui (Shanghai) Business Information Consulting Co., Ltd.

Address: Room 310, Tongji Jingdu, No. 25, Yixian Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200437

Phone: 021-65686006

Website: cn.gamry.com

WeChat public number: Gamry Electrochemistry